Dr. Andreas Schulze
Dr. Andreas Schulze is a metabolic pediatrician and professor in the Departments of Paediatrics and Biochemistry at University of Toronto. He is the Medical Director of the Newborn Screening Program at The Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids) Toronto and Senior Associate Scientist at the SickKids Research Institute.
Schulze receive a medical diploma and a doctorate in medicine from the Faculty of Medicine at Leipzig University in 1987. After completing graduate training and PhD in Physiological Biochemistry under the supervision of Dr. Hans-Joachim Boehme and Dr. Eberhard Hoffmann (1987-1992), Schulze pursued postgraduate clinical training in Pediatrics at the University Children’s Hospital in Heidelberg under Dr. Hans-Juergen Bremer and Dr. Georg F. Hoffmann (1992-1999). Schulze defended a Professorial Thesis (Habilitation) and received the Venia Legendi from the Ruprecht-Karls University Heidelberg in 2004. He is board certified in Physiological Biochemistry (1993) and in Pediatrics (1999).
Since 2007, Schulze works as clinician scientist at The Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto. As a clinician he takes care of children with inborn errors of metabolism and oversees the SickKids Newborn Screening Program. As a scientist, he established a research group and a research laboratory at the SickKids Research Institute. Dr. Schulze’s research is centered around creatine deficiency syndromes and regulation of creatine homeostasis. His research encompasses the metabolism of arginine, ornithine, and guanidino compounds, and includes small molecule drug discovery.